Desa Creative

To All The Incredible Women Out There!

Happy International Women’s Day!

For over 100 years International Women’s Day has been celebrated supporting the incredible accomplishments achieved, stereotypes overcome and overall empowerment of women.

This year’s theme for International Women’s Day is “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.” I love this and fully stand with the incredible women present in all aspects of my life. It is mind blowing that in 2022 this is still something that has to be fought for or corrected.

When I started my professional life, my two biggest mentors in my career were female CEOs (you both know who you are), who kicked ass in all areas of their life. I most likely would not have reached my professional success at a young age if it was not for these powerful, smart, intelligent and compassionate women. Folks, women do it all and it is more than time that we recognize them for the amazing, strong and capable women they are.

Let’s embrace a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive. I want to challenge each and everyone one of us to continue to provoke thought in your day to day lives both professionally and personally. This only helps us develop, which will continuously challenge our minds to think and become better people. Let’s remove discrimination, stereotypes to be able to better value and celebrate each other!
#breakthebias #internationalwomensday #admiration #empowerwomen

Petar Bozinovski – President

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